Qué son los productos geosintéticos?

Qué son los productos geosintéticos?

Geosintéticos es un término general para los materiales sintéticos utilizados en la ingeniería civil. Como material de ingeniería civil, utiliza polímeros sintéticos (como plástico, fibra química, caucho sintético, etc.) como materia prima para fabricar varios tipos de productos y colocarlos dentro, sobre la superficie o entre varios suelos. , Para desempeñar el papel de fortalecer o proteger el suelo.

¿Qué son las geomallas de plástico y las geomallas de fibra de vidrio/poliéster?

¿Qué son las geomallas de plástico y las geomallas de fibra de vidrio/poliéster?

La geomalla es un importante material geosintético. En comparación con otros geosintéticos, tiene un rendimiento y una eficacia únicos. Las geomallas se utilizan a menudo como refuerzos para estructuras de suelo reforzado o compuestos. Las geomallas se dividen en dos tipos: geomalla de poliéster/fibra de vidrio y geomalla de plástico.

Geomalla de fibra de vidrio

Geomalla de fibra de vidrio

The fiberglass geogrid is a mesh structure material made of fiberglass and a certain weaving process. In order to protect the fiberglass and improve the overall performance, the geocomposite is made by a special coating process. The main components of glass fiber are: silicon oxide, an inorganic material, its physical and chemical properties are extremely stable, and have high strength, high modulus, high wear resistance and excellent cold resistance, no long-term creep; thermal stability Good performance; the net structure enables the aggregate to be locked and restricted; it improves the load-bearing capacity of the asphalt mixture. Because the surface is coated with special modified asphalt, it has double compound performance, which greatly improves the abrasion resistance and shearing ability of the geogrid.

Geomalla PET

Geomalla PET

The polymer is in a directional linear state and forms a long elliptical network integral structure with uniform distribution and high node strength. This kind of structure has quite high tensile strength and rigidity and provides the ideal force bearing and spreading interlocking system for the soil.
The outstanding advantage of uniaxial plastic geogrid is that it has little tendency to deform (creep) under long-term continuous load, and its creep resistance is much better than geogrids of other materials, which play an important role in improving the service life of the project.
The interlocking action between the grid mesh and the soil constitutes an efficient stress transmission mechanism so that the local load can quickly and effectively spread to a large area of the soil, thereby reducing the local damage stress and improving The purpose of the service life of the project.

Geomalla Uniaxial PP

Geomalla Uniaxial PP

The polymer is in a directional linear state and forms a long elliptical network integral structure with uniform distribution and high node strength. This kind of structure has quite high tensile strength and rigidity and provides the ideal force bearing and spreading interlocking system for the soil.
The outstanding advantage of uniaxial plastic geogrid is that it has little tendency to deform (creep) under long-term continuous load, and its creep resistance is much better than geogrids of other materials, which play an important role in improving the service life of the project.
The interlocking action between the grid mesh and the soil constitutes an efficient stress transmission mechanism so that the local load can quickly and effectively spread to a large area of the soil, thereby reducing the local damage stress and improving The purpose of the service life of the project.

Geomalla uniaxial de HDPE

Geomalla uniaxial de HDPE

The polymer is in a directional linear state and forms a long elliptical network integral structure with uniform distribution and high node strength. This kind of structure has quite high tensile strength and rigidity and provides the ideal force bearing and spreading interlocking system for the soil.
The outstanding advantage of uniaxial plastic geogrid is that it has little tendency to deform (creep) under long-term continuous load, and its creep resistance is much better than geogrids of other materials, which play an important role in improving the service life of the project.
The interlocking action between the grid mesh and the soil constitutes an efficient stress transmission mechanism so that the local load can quickly and effectively spread to a large area of the soil, thereby reducing the local damage stress and improving The purpose of the service life of the project.

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